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HomeEntertainmenti became a crazy swordsmanship instructor in the game: Join Thrill

i became a crazy swordsmanship instructor in the game: Join Thrill

Sword fighting has always been a popular element in video games, from classic titles like “Legend of Zelda” to modern games like “Dark Souls.” As a gamer, I have always been fascinated by the art of swordsmanship and the skills required to master it. So when I stumbled upon a game that allowed me to become a swordsmanship instructor, I couldn’t resist. In this article, I will share my experience of becoming a crazy swordsmanship instructor in the game and the sword skills I learned along the way.

The Game

i became a crazy swordsmanship instructor in the game

The game I stumbled upon was called “Sword Master,” a virtual reality game that allowed players to become swordsmanship instructors in a medieval world. The game was highly immersive, with realistic graphics and motion controls that made it feel like you were actually holding a sword. As a player, you could choose to either play as a student or an instructor. I chose the latter, eager to teach others the art of sword fighting.

Sword Skills

i became a crazy swordsmanship instructor in the game

As an instructor, I had to first learn and master various sword skills before I could teach them to my students. The game offered a wide range of sword skills, from basic strikes and blocks to more advanced techniques like parrying and counterattacks. I spent hours practicing and perfecting each skill, and it was incredibly satisfying to see my character execute them flawlessly in the game.

Teaching Students

i became a crazy swordsmanship instructor in the game

Once I had mastered the sword skills, it was time to teach them to my students. The game allowed me to create my own virtual classroom, where I could interact with my students and teach them the skills I had learned. It was a challenging but rewarding experience, as I had to come up with creative ways to explain and demonstrate the techniques to my students. It also helped me improve my own skills, as I had to constantly practice and refine them in order to effectively teach them to others.

Crazy Instructor

As I became more skilled and experienced in the game, I started to develop a reputation as a crazy instructor. I would come up with unconventional and sometimes outrageous methods to teach my students, which often resulted in hilarious and chaotic situations in the game. But my students loved it, and it made the game even more enjoyable for all of us.

Real-Life Benefits

Playing “Sword Master” not only allowed me to live out my dream of becoming a swordsmanship instructor, but it also had real-life benefits. The game required physical movement and coordination, which helped improve my reflexes and hand-eye coordination. It also taught me patience and discipline, as mastering sword skills in the game required dedication and practice.


In conclusion, becoming a crazy swordsmanship instructor in the game was a fun and fulfilling experience. I not only learned valuable sword skills, but I also improved my physical and mental abilities. If you’re a fan of sword fighting and virtual reality games, I highly recommend giving “Sword Master” a try. Who knows, you may become a crazy instructor like me too.

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